Introducing Emmanuel:
Emmanuel lost both his parents during Rwanda’s civil war. He was taken with his younger siblings to the Noel as infants and has grown up there.
In 2011 Emmanuel became one of the first handful of students that Point Foundation offered help to with his higher education. Despite his impoverished & institutionalised childhood, Emmanuel has a burning desire to help his fellow countrymen. By studying Biomedical Sciences at Ines University he dreams of improving health and being able to work as a lab technician to advance medical science.
In May, Emmanuel was “reunified” – for him this has meant he now has the sole responsibility of 2 younger sisters and a brother. They can no longer return to the Noel, instead they have been granted a small derelict house, with no water or electricity. One of his sisters and the brother both suffer from on-going mental trauma problems for which they currently get little medical aid for.
Growing up in an orphanage results in many of the children lacking life coping skills that would normally be taught by parents – to be given the responsibility of suddenly being ‘head of household’ is a huge challenge to someone like Emmanuel….on top of working desperately hard at his studies.
But knowing that his tuition fees are secured and he can continue to work for his final year & degree is even more vital now, as it will enable him to get a job that will help him fully provide for the needs of his siblings.
teapigs have committed to supporting the Noel Orphanage for as long as our help is needed, even if this now goes beyond the orphanage walls! Read more here.
(with thanks to Karen Trace and the Point Foundation)