Fun facts about me:
- I first fell in love with tea while working at a retail shop during college. I went to school for Anthropology and Human Biology but somehow ended up staying in the tea biz for the last 6 years, and I wouldn’t trade it for anything.
- My grandmother dated Rod Serling when she was young. They didn’t stay friends unfortunately so I never got the chance to recite the Twilight Zone intro to him, which is such a bummer.
- As much as I hate to admit it, I love karaoke.
- This past summer I completed a cross-country bike tour from Virginia to San Francisco then I went down the coast from San Francisco to San Diego! It was amazing, but I have to say the first week was rough. I destroyed my tent the 2nd day, drowned my phone while biking through the rain for 8 hours, and a black bear ran towards me while I was on my bike…alone!
- I would do just about anything to meet David Byrne in person. Preferably the both of us would be wearing big suit and drinking tea in Amsterdam. That’s not so much to ask…
- I advocate for women’s cycling at a bike shop in Brooklyn. I help plan cycling events and teach some bike clinics on touring, map reading, and flat fixing.
- Favorite teapigs at the moment would have to be the green tea with mint or tung ting oolong!