we did it! | teapigs book drive
Huzzah! GREAT news!
You might have seen that in March we launched the teapigs book drive with the fab...
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You might have seen that in March we launched the teapigs book drive with the fab...

Is there plastic in our tea and packaging? | teapigs
There’s been lots of interest lately (and rightly so) in the revelation that many teabags contain plastic, as well as...
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The teapigs pop-up shop: raising $6000 for Rwanda
We don't often do updates from across the pond, but our London counterparts have outdone themselves with a 6 day...
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hidden plastics in everyday life | teapigs
Plastics are all over the news at the moment, from plastic straw bans to the latte levy, to the new...
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First UK tea awarded "plastic free trust mark" | teapigs
teapigs is officially the FIRST tea company to be awarded a "Plastic Free Trust Mark" in the UK and we...
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an update from rwanda
As you know, we’re committed to giving back to communities that bring us our tea - we source from well-run,...
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how we've moved away from excess plastic packaging
the low down on Natureflex - our new compostable packaging! Right, you’ve got your 100% biodegradable tea temples...
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over $180,000 raised and counting!
We turned the mighty age of 10 years old last November, and although we’ve done LOTS in that time, nothing...
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An update on our ethical scheme
A big part of teapigs is our ethical scheme, whereby we work with the Point Foundation in Gisenyi, Rwanda -...
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